Online Technical Writing Chapter Quiz--Tables

Answer the questions in this quiz to see how well you've read and understood the chapter. Feel free to link back and forth between the chapter on tables and this quiz to check your answers.

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  1. According to the chapter, the biggest use of tables is to represent:

  2. Which of the following sounds most like a table?
    Bars of varying heights with labelled vertical and horizontal axes
    Mechanism with components labelled with words
    Rows and columns of numbers and words

  3. In a table, the element at the top of a vertical line of numbers or words is called:
    Row heading
    Column heading
    Row subheading
    Column subheading

  4. In a table, the element at the far left of a horizontal line of numbers or words is called:
    Row heading
    Column heading
    Row subheading
    Column subheading

  5. Where do you place the title of a table?
    Centered below the table, either as the last line of the table or separate from the table
    Centered above the table, either as the first line of the table or separate from the table
    Tables do not use titles.

  6. To indicate that all the numbers in a column are centimeters, you should:
    Put "cm" after each of the numbers in the column.
    Put "cm" in parentheses after the first element in the column.
    Put "cm" in parentheses after the column heading only.

  7. How would you format a column of 5- to 6-word phrases (including the column heading)?
    Left-justify the column elements and left-align the column with the column heading.
    Left-justify the column elements and center the column with the column heading.
    Center the column elements and center the column with the column heading.
    Center the column elements and left-align the column with the column heading.

  8. According to the textbook, which of the following is a limitation of tables?
    They do not show precision of detail; they are not exact, for example, down to the dollar and cent.
    They are not a vivid way of showing trends in data (comparisons).
    They are difficult for nonspecialists to interpret.

  9. According to the textbook, which of the following is a strength of tables?
    They show precision of detail; they are exact, for example, down to the dollar and cent.
    They are a vivid way of showing trends in data (comparisons).
    They are easy for nonspecialists to interpret.

  10. This chapter emphasizes that, when you incorporate a table into a report, you should:
    Ensure that the table title appears as the first line of the table.
    Label the vertical and horizontal axes of the table.
    Refer to the table from the text just preceding it, and explain its general significance.
    Ensure that all rows in the table have row subheadings and that all columns in the table have column subheadings.

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